Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 9: Homeward Bound!

Ni hao! (which means hello!)
The Great Wall of China
Here's just a short recap of our very full day in Beijing... we have so much to share with you, but we'll post a more extended version soon! Today we watched the sunrise national flag ceremony in Tiananmen Square, traveled about an hour outside Beijing to visit the Great Wall, explored on our own (without Vivian or another Mandarin speaker!) and used our newfound talent of negotiating, toured the "Bird's Nest" Olympic Stadium and "Water Cube" Olympic Aquatic Center, enjoyed one last large, delicious Chinese family-style meal, and shopped before packing to fly back to the U.S.
Segway Scooters at the Olympic Stadium

While the day was, as usual, full of awesome and surreal moments, a definitely unique and standout point of today was renting Segway Scooters and racing around the Olympic track (see photo). We depart for the airport at about 4:00 am, which is the reason for our brevity now, but we are so excited to share more photos, stories, and details about our adventures upon our return!
The "Birds Nest" - home to the 2008 Olympics in Beijing

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried dumplings and roast ducks? They are the famous and traditional Beijing dishes. And also bird's nest soup? Its a delicacy in China.

    Enjoy your days~~~

